Okay... where to begin on the birthday extravaganza!
The week of 6/20, Father's Day... we had something going on every night! Dad, Matt & Josh here Sunday night. I cooked a wonderful dinner, with dessert even.
Monday Jennifer & I went out to dinner at PF Changs and she and Dave and Matt spent one more night while he went to basketball camp in G-town.
Tuesday night was my tennis lesson and we started late and finished early because it was so hot but did some good drills.
Wednesday - Blues on the Green with the Bennets, Evans and Paula Smith. What a fun night and Carolyn Wonderland was AWE-SOME (sing song). She's my new girl crush.
Thursday was mixed dbls tennis - played WELL! Afterward we met Bennets and Evans at Razoos.
Friday - BIRTHDAY!!! Took the day off work and Brookie hooked me up to play tennis that morning. We did 2 hours of ladies doubles tennis, then 3 hours of lunch at Z-Tejas! Brookie, Susan and Amy Gold. They had to tell us once we were being too loud. We really were. But hey, we were sitting in the bar and drinking margaritas! That afternoon I got my haircut then went home, cleaned up and we went to Brooklyn Heights for dinner and Karaoke.
FUN Peeps: Jeff & Susan Bennet, Brooke & Roy, Jeremy & Cantrell, Justin and Carly, Holly Chacone, Sharon Joiner came too but she didn't sing. We had a great night but the KJs started an hour late. And they don't have "Need You Now" so Brookie and I only sang 1 song together. WREC-KERS (sing song) it was fabulous of course.
Saturday Jimmy worked with Roy all day and I made dinner for the 4 of us - but they were very late getting home. Beef fajitas w/lots of guac, Brooke's homemade salsa and ... my favorite birthday cake. Angel Food w/strawberry & berry medley middle iced with COOL WHIP (sing song). Everyone said they enjoyed it. Ate leftover cake for 3 days. YUM!
I also ordered my new running shoes during the day on Saturday. K-Swiss Tubes 100. Can't wait for them to come in!!!!
Sunday - well, Jimmy and I kicked some 30-year olds' butts in mixed doubles. Yeah-baby!
Okay.. I officially declare my birthday OVER!!! I know... everyone felt just a bit older when we were done! Now, we have 360 days or so to recover ... start all over again!
Grateful for good health, good friends and a great life at FOH-TEE-FOH! (sing song).