Overall! Awesome!
- I love that distance. I would like to run more of these by the end of the year.
- When spectators hold their hands out for a "high five"... slap every one of 'em!
- The course was steep especially the first half. I did my best to run up the hills, but for the most part I ran 1/2 way up them, then walked.
- Mile 4 felt the best (lots of down hill)
- Started to struggle mile 5. Was walking 2 minutes, running 3.
- Made a pitstop at about 5.5 and started running again, I was just about to walk again when I saw a large crane over the road and thought, "Wow! The finish line! I can make it to there." But alas, it was just a crane for the photographers. But then we were running over a bridge and I thought, "I can make it over this bridge"... then I saw the corner, and I thought, I can make it around the corner... and I saw the 6 Mile marker, then I made it to the 6 Mile marker and I knew I could go .2 more! Then I saw the finish line and I started to take long, fast strides to push myself. I felt like I finished strongly.
1:18:02 finish, 12:34/mi (was hoping for faster). My Full Results #8338
The run itself was great! It was just the before and after the race that I could do without -- just because there were TOO MANY PEOPLE! Note to self, be sure to not arrive needing to use the bathroom... And, I wasn't able to pick up any SWAG like at the Komen Race. So many people you couldn't get to any of it... much less a free post race massage.
On a final note. I really enjoyed spending time with Kim and Linda. Linda saved my life at the porta-potties line. Girlfriend had my back! I'm also happy I turned off my iPhone (mapmyfitness app) and just enjoyed my music and the atmosphere. I took some fun pics too I think. When we run next year, we're getting a room at the Mariott the night before! Learned my lesson on parking and peeing!
Looking up Congress Ave. toward the Capital at the beginning of the race. Awesome to see a sea of people.
Here I stopped 1/2 way up the steepest hill on 15th (Enfield) so I could get a little perspective. Walked the rest of the way up that hummer.

Met up with Kim, Linda, and Frank here at the Stevie Ray statue after the race. Seems like a popular spot to be sure.
Afterward, we were walking (2 mi) back to the car and were tempted by Doc's on South Congress. Here's to the beginning of a healthy, cheeseburger lunch. Saaaaaaa-lute!
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