Thursday, December 30, 2010

Mantra vs Mission Statement

So, I'm a big believer in self talk. You should hear the dialogue in my head while I'm running ... or playing tennis. I'm especially vocal (in my own head) when I play singles. It's one of the reasons I enjoy singles tennis so much. I like to hear myself THINK?

I showed a lot of improvement this year in my tennis game because I worked with a coach. Now, he's not like the coach for Maria Sharapova or anything.. he's pretty basic in his skills, but what I LOVE about Jerry is that he's old school coachy. He uses little "postulates' that I can repeat in my head and use over and over again.

"Drive the ball, athlete."
"Feed the computer... your body knows what to do."
"Feel the shot"

Though rather cryptic to some, to me I know just how to use these words to focus and reset quickly for the next point or shot.

So, as I work on my resolutions for the new year, I'm giving some thought to creating a mantra ... or as we Taylor girls call it, a "postulate". Postulate is code for the stupid, cryptic stuff my dad used to tell us as we walked through the living room on a Friday night in our teenage years. When we had a teenager in the house, I came to understand that postulates (minimum 5 word edicts) are all you get with them. So make it count. Some of Dad's include: "Make something happen" what that something was is still a mystery.  "Keep it between the lines" presumably the car and the lines on the road. To name a few.

I'm going to create 2 postulates for the new year. One that is internal for my goals to be lighter, leaner and more competitive in my athletic pursuits. And one for my life in the world with others. I'm just not sure I should have two they kind of cancel each other out. I'lll add more info in a day or so.

Want more info about a mantra vs a mission statement? Here are a couple of good articles: 

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