Denette Joyce Gilmore
Denette Joyce Gilmore died Jan. 18, 2008 at Hamilton General Hospital. Funeral ser-vices were held Jan. 20 at St. John Lutheran Church. She was born on November 10, 1965, the daughter of Den-nis and Bernadene (Marwitz) Krueger of Hamilton. She was baptized by Pastor Leon Simon on Dec. 5, 1965. Her parents were faithful to take their daughters to Sunday school and church. When she entered junior high she began confirmation. Pastor Wuensche met with her class weekly and reaffirmed what God in Christ had accomplished for Denette. On April 1st, 1979, she stood before the altar at St. John and confessed her Christian faith. She was confirmed as a com-municant member of the church and she remained faithful throughout all the years of her life. When Mrs. Gilmore entered high school, she was a very popular and a very busy young lady. She was a Bulldog cheer-leader, president of the Key Club, Miss HHS, treasurer of the Senior Class, and she served on the student council. She was voted Most Intellectual for the years 1983 and 1984, and graduated Valedictorian of the class of 1984. Upon gradua-tion, she attended Angelo State University where she received the Carr Academic Scholarship. She later transferred to Tarleton State University in Stephen-ville. She was a member of the Alpha Chi Sorority, a National Scholastic Honor Society stu-dent and she graduated with honors. She had a brilliant mind and a deep appreciation for science. This moved her to seek a Bachelor of Science degree in biology and elementary educa-tion. She began dating Kevin Gilmore the year after she graduated from high school and continued while she was attend-ing Angelo State and Tarleton State University Mrs. Gilmore graduated from Tarleton in December of 1988 and was married to Kevin Gilmore on Jan. 28, 1989. They lived in Haltom City the first year of their marriage and she taught there her first year as a teacher. They moved back to Hamilton in 1990. Mrs. Gil-more taught in Copperas Cove for ten years before making the transition to Hamilton where she began teaching in 2000. She made a profound impact upon the school and the stu-dents she taught. Because she loved science, the school wit-nessed a transformation in the program. The students experi-enced her love and zeal for science and her devotion to them. Every student who is currently in the Hamilton ISD from sixth grade through the Senior class had Mrs. Gilmore as a teacher. The Gilmores had a daugh-ter, Devyn, on April 12, 1996. Because of her love of educa-tion, Denette continually stressed to Devyn the impor-tance of school and she empha-sized to her to always do her very best. Devyn was with her mother through these difficult days and she experienced her love and witnessed her faith and trust in her Savior. As a member of St. John Lu-theran Church, Mrs. Gilmore served and gave of her time in many different ways. Over the years she assisted with special events like the annual Christ-mas program and Vacation Bible School. She served as a Sunday school teacher and as a member of many boards, most recently the Board of Youth and the Preschool Board. The same devotion and dedication she brought to her teaching provided wisdom and guidance in her service in the church. Two years ago Mrs. Gilmore was diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer. Over the course of these past two years she faced many challenges: sur-gery, chemotherapy, and even experimental drugs, but in the end she had the courage to make the decision to trust in God and discontinue the treat-ments and enjoy each and every day with her husband, her daughter and the rest of her family. As time passed, Mrs. Gil-more was overwhelmed by the number of people who were present to help with any and every need. There was never a time that she had to be alone. Dozens of people took turns sitting with her and allowing her family to continue with the normal activities of life. As the days grew closer to the end, the Hamilton Hospital doctors and staff were very special bless-ings to Mrs. Gilmore and her family. They made it possible for her family and friends to spend time with her day and night. She was preceded in death by her grandfather, Joe Krueger. Survivors include her hus-band and her daughter of Ham-ilton; her parents, Dennis and Bernadene Krueger, of Hamil-ton; her sisters, Denise Hughes and husband, James, of Hamil-ton and Deanna Melde and husband, Darrell, of Aleman; her grandparents, Hattie Krueger of Aleman, Bernard and Ida Marwitz of Indian Gap; three sisters-in-law and two brothers-in-law, Shearin Bogan Thompson and husband James of Hamilton; Melody Vernon and her close friend Roy Newsom, of Hamilton; Lanette Higgins of Ennis; and Wendel Bruce Gilmore and wife Juels of Haltom City; and Brian Gil-more and wife Iris of Burnett; four aunts, Coda Zschiesche, Rita Stegemoller, Patsy Melde, and Betty Haile; one uncle, Dane Marwitz; nine nieces, Jessica Hughes, Heather Bogan, Misty Lasater, Hope Bogan, Heaven Gilmore, Jenna Oglesby, Janna Oglesby, Heather Higgins, Lindsey Pet-rash and eleven nephews, Jer-emy Hughes, Dylan Melde, Dawson Melde, Sterling Pet-rash, Jace Oglesby, Chance Oglesby, Cody Vernon, Rance Eddleman, Nathan Gilmore, Mark Ellis, and Brant Thomas. “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 Riley Funeral Home
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