Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Oprah & Bob Green Inspiration

okay... if I would stop researching and just DO ~ Action is power you know~ I might lose a couple of pounds this week. Oh well. When I'm in the mood to work this hard at eating healthy it helps to be obsessed and read and research my options.

I got on by Bob Green and part of the Oprah Winfrey show's best life challenge on her web site. Here's what the first article said. Reorganize my eating patterns and move more. I also used his web site to rate my activity level (1 - 5 levels) one being totally sedentary. I decided that I'm a 3-4 (4 on the weeks I play tennis 2-3 times a week). The goal should be for anyone 1-2 to work to make it to the "next" level. If a 3 or more, work to be consistent and uphold that activity level each week. Well, this I decided this was an affirmation of how I feel about my current activity level. I feel like I am doing all I can towards being active as far as time goes. So, this whole concept just validated this whole Bob Greene philosophy for me.

My problem is food. Plain and simple. So, here's the deal about food. I must log to lose. Time, emotion, how I physically feel, etc. which I'll do in my little notebook. I'll just keep the highlights of my journal here.

Several simple objectives to reach 5 days a week if at all possible. * Marks the things I already do.
1. *Eat a "Best Life" breakfast (approx 400 calories, fruit, protein, high fiber)
2. *Activity
3. Eat 3 meals a day and a snack or 2 (regular times... don't skip and don't get too hungry)
4. Stop eating 2 hours before bed time
5. *Drink 6, 8-oz glasses of water each day
6. Eliminate alcohol for now
7. Tale a multi vitamin
8. Evaluate my relationship with food ~ that's where the journal comes in

Here's the food log today. I'm not sure I'm going to count points. Tonight the kids (Cade & Jenn) were here so I cooked supper. I ate light all the rest of the day.

Breakfast (the usual) - SB cereal bar, banana, vitamin water, coffee 9
Lunch (I got involved in a project at work, didn't eat until about 2:00) I felt rushed and journaled while I ate.
Progresso lite veg soup (0 WW points) I'll give it 1 I poured off most of the liquid and ate the whole can.
2 Wasa crackers w/Laugh Cow lite swiss cheese 1
8-9 raw carrots 1
Lunch was very satisfying, the cheese provided some protein, high fiber, vegetable.. not bad!

Supper I ate a little whole grain spaghetti w/meat sauce, 2 small pieces of French bread (Pillsbury) w/2 TBs margarine, Jimmy and I split a salad.. lots of good stuff... but plenty of Ranch dressing too.

Total WW points BR/LU = 12
I probably had more than 10 points at supper.. but not a lot more. Finished eating at 7:30. Going to bed between 9:30 & 10. So, 6 out of 8 of my objectives. I still can't work out. Stitches in my knee. But.. overall... pretty good for the day.

More later! LY!LY!

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