I found a trainer that I will meet with on Tuesday evening. My idea is that I pay her for a session 1x per week and she gives me the objectives for the rest of the week. She also holds me accountable for my food intake.
$45 / session
http://www.lifeforce-fitness.net/index.html Amy Culp is the owner and she is setting me up with one of the trainers. I intend to work out 45-50 minutes each morning. Maybe in the evening too? Plus tennis on Thursday nights and one more time on the weekend. I've also decided I am not drinking enough water, and I'm not sure why I stopped doing that. That was always the one part of my diet that I did do correctly.
I need to lose 15 lbs (at least), then be ready to play tennis 3xs a week.
Here's the low-down today: 2 mi walk around neighborhood/100 crunches w/other pillates moves. (-3)
S.Beach protein cereal bar (3)
16 oz water
2 pkgs of plain oatmeal w/splenda & cinamon (4)
apple sauce (2)
Total: [7]
On my way to HEB for some healthy groceries.
I'm going to go hit the ball machine a little later. Jimmy's back is hurt, so I'm on my own for tennis.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
My sister's eulogy of Denette Kreuger-Gilmore
I missed Denette's fuenral and am more upset that I did not visit her when she was still alive and fighting her battle with cancer. My sister was her principal and eulogized her at the funeral. She said it was the hardest thing she'd ever done, but that she was very proud of herself for doing it. I'm proud of her too. She sent me this copy of her speech. I thought I would publish it here so I can remember her when I want to. LOVE YOU, DENETTE!
As delivered by Jennifer Taylor-Zschiesche, Sunday, January 20, 2008
St. John's Lutheran Church, Hamilton, Texas.
What a privilege and an honor to be able to remember a remarkable teacher and friend. I am Jennifer Zschiesche, and I am the principal at Ann Whitney Elementary School. I brought several people with me, Mrs. Melissa Crim, Mrs. Tina Dittrich, Mrs. Barbara Johnson, and Mrs. Mona Gloff who are all part of Mrs. Gilmore’s fifth grade team.
Denette, Mrs. Gilmore, as many of you know her, came to Ann Whitney Elementary from Copperas Cove. (This year’s graduating seniors were her first class at Ann Whitney). I was so excited that we had finally snagged this incredible teacher to teach our students science in the fifth grade and that Denette was joining our team! I knew it was going to be good.
Mrs. Gilmore viewed her profession as a teacher as a place where not only knowledge could be taught, but also as a place for loving kids.
Denette had a tremendous heart. She was the gift to children. Her passion at our school was not just science, but also making sure students were treated fairly. Denette was an advocate for children. She worked diligently on our consistency council. Mrs. Gilmore would come into my office troubled about a student. Maybe she wanted to just talk to them and counsel them rather than punish them. Students thrived in her classroom and always respected Mrs. Gilmore. She had high expectations for all kids and they achieved well under her care and direction. She loved her students and many of you can attest to her calmness and stability in an unstable world.
Science was her passion as well. She taught many lessons, experiments, and labs that kept students excited about learning. Not many teachers would enjoy dissecting sheep eyes…the kids loved it! I didn’t make it to that lab on purpose. Mrs. Gilmore taught our students to be advocates for the world. She headed up the daunting task of sorting through piles of elementary trash for recycling. Students would strive to know and understand more about their world with her guidance.
With her illness, Denette continued to teach. She taught all of us one of life’s hardest lessons – dealing with death. She held strong to her faith and shared her thoughts, feelings, and profound wisdom to ease our hearts. She was worried about us – as she showed us her unbelievable courage and faith through this tough battle she faced.
We are all struggling with the loss of a colleague, friend, and dear family member, but Denette would want us to learn something from this. She’s taught me to spend more time focusing on the blessings and always to love all children with all your heart.
I would like to share this thought with you as we remember Denette.
You are struggling…
I see it, I feel it, I hurt for you.
But I must tell you dear friend,
I believe with all my heart that you will emerge
Somehow wiser, stronger and more aware.
Hold onto that thought.
Tuck it away in the corner of your heart until the hurt melts enough for the learning to have meaning.
Mrs. Gilmore, Denette, you will be missed by your colleagues, your neighbors, your students, and most especially your family. What consoles us now is the knowledge that you are back again to your Heavenly Father’s embrace to enjoy the same love you generously gave and showed to the world, your students, and throughout your life. We love you, we miss you, and we are thankful for having you in our lives.
As delivered by Jennifer Taylor-Zschiesche, Sunday, January 20, 2008
St. John's Lutheran Church, Hamilton, Texas.
What a privilege and an honor to be able to remember a remarkable teacher and friend. I am Jennifer Zschiesche, and I am the principal at Ann Whitney Elementary School. I brought several people with me, Mrs. Melissa Crim, Mrs. Tina Dittrich, Mrs. Barbara Johnson, and Mrs. Mona Gloff who are all part of Mrs. Gilmore’s fifth grade team.
Denette, Mrs. Gilmore, as many of you know her, came to Ann Whitney Elementary from Copperas Cove. (This year’s graduating seniors were her first class at Ann Whitney). I was so excited that we had finally snagged this incredible teacher to teach our students science in the fifth grade and that Denette was joining our team! I knew it was going to be good.
Mrs. Gilmore viewed her profession as a teacher as a place where not only knowledge could be taught, but also as a place for loving kids.
Denette had a tremendous heart. She was the gift to children. Her passion at our school was not just science, but also making sure students were treated fairly. Denette was an advocate for children. She worked diligently on our consistency council. Mrs. Gilmore would come into my office troubled about a student. Maybe she wanted to just talk to them and counsel them rather than punish them. Students thrived in her classroom and always respected Mrs. Gilmore. She had high expectations for all kids and they achieved well under her care and direction. She loved her students and many of you can attest to her calmness and stability in an unstable world.
Science was her passion as well. She taught many lessons, experiments, and labs that kept students excited about learning. Not many teachers would enjoy dissecting sheep eyes…the kids loved it! I didn’t make it to that lab on purpose. Mrs. Gilmore taught our students to be advocates for the world. She headed up the daunting task of sorting through piles of elementary trash for recycling. Students would strive to know and understand more about their world with her guidance.
With her illness, Denette continued to teach. She taught all of us one of life’s hardest lessons – dealing with death. She held strong to her faith and shared her thoughts, feelings, and profound wisdom to ease our hearts. She was worried about us – as she showed us her unbelievable courage and faith through this tough battle she faced.
We are all struggling with the loss of a colleague, friend, and dear family member, but Denette would want us to learn something from this. She’s taught me to spend more time focusing on the blessings and always to love all children with all your heart.
I would like to share this thought with you as we remember Denette.
You are struggling…
I see it, I feel it, I hurt for you.
But I must tell you dear friend,
I believe with all my heart that you will emerge
Somehow wiser, stronger and more aware.
Hold onto that thought.
Tuck it away in the corner of your heart until the hurt melts enough for the learning to have meaning.
Mrs. Gilmore, Denette, you will be missed by your colleagues, your neighbors, your students, and most especially your family. What consoles us now is the knowledge that you are back again to your Heavenly Father’s embrace to enjoy the same love you generously gave and showed to the world, your students, and throughout your life. We love you, we miss you, and we are thankful for having you in our lives.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Denette Krueger-Gilmore 11/10/65 - 1/18/08
Denette Joyce Gilmore
Denette Joyce Gilmore died Jan. 18, 2008 at Hamilton General Hospital. Funeral ser-vices were held Jan. 20 at St. John Lutheran Church. She was born on November 10, 1965, the daughter of Den-nis and Bernadene (Marwitz) Krueger of Hamilton. She was baptized by Pastor Leon Simon on Dec. 5, 1965. Her parents were faithful to take their daughters to Sunday school and church. When she entered junior high she began confirmation. Pastor Wuensche met with her class weekly and reaffirmed what God in Christ had accomplished for Denette. On April 1st, 1979, she stood before the altar at St. John and confessed her Christian faith. She was confirmed as a com-municant member of the church and she remained faithful throughout all the years of her life. When Mrs. Gilmore entered high school, she was a very popular and a very busy young lady. She was a Bulldog cheer-leader, president of the Key Club, Miss HHS, treasurer of the Senior Class, and she served on the student council. She was voted Most Intellectual for the years 1983 and 1984, and graduated Valedictorian of the class of 1984. Upon gradua-tion, she attended Angelo State University where she received the Carr Academic Scholarship. She later transferred to Tarleton State University in Stephen-ville. She was a member of the Alpha Chi Sorority, a National Scholastic Honor Society stu-dent and she graduated with honors. She had a brilliant mind and a deep appreciation for science. This moved her to seek a Bachelor of Science degree in biology and elementary educa-tion. She began dating Kevin Gilmore the year after she graduated from high school and continued while she was attend-ing Angelo State and Tarleton State University Mrs. Gilmore graduated from Tarleton in December of 1988 and was married to Kevin Gilmore on Jan. 28, 1989. They lived in Haltom City the first year of their marriage and she taught there her first year as a teacher. They moved back to Hamilton in 1990. Mrs. Gil-more taught in Copperas Cove for ten years before making the transition to Hamilton where she began teaching in 2000. She made a profound impact upon the school and the stu-dents she taught. Because she loved science, the school wit-nessed a transformation in the program. The students experi-enced her love and zeal for science and her devotion to them. Every student who is currently in the Hamilton ISD from sixth grade through the Senior class had Mrs. Gilmore as a teacher. The Gilmores had a daugh-ter, Devyn, on April 12, 1996. Because of her love of educa-tion, Denette continually stressed to Devyn the impor-tance of school and she empha-sized to her to always do her very best. Devyn was with her mother through these difficult days and she experienced her love and witnessed her faith and trust in her Savior. As a member of St. John Lu-theran Church, Mrs. Gilmore served and gave of her time in many different ways. Over the years she assisted with special events like the annual Christ-mas program and Vacation Bible School. She served as a Sunday school teacher and as a member of many boards, most recently the Board of Youth and the Preschool Board. The same devotion and dedication she brought to her teaching provided wisdom and guidance in her service in the church. Two years ago Mrs. Gilmore was diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer. Over the course of these past two years she faced many challenges: sur-gery, chemotherapy, and even experimental drugs, but in the end she had the courage to make the decision to trust in God and discontinue the treat-ments and enjoy each and every day with her husband, her daughter and the rest of her family. As time passed, Mrs. Gil-more was overwhelmed by the number of people who were present to help with any and every need. There was never a time that she had to be alone. Dozens of people took turns sitting with her and allowing her family to continue with the normal activities of life. As the days grew closer to the end, the Hamilton Hospital doctors and staff were very special bless-ings to Mrs. Gilmore and her family. They made it possible for her family and friends to spend time with her day and night. She was preceded in death by her grandfather, Joe Krueger. Survivors include her hus-band and her daughter of Ham-ilton; her parents, Dennis and Bernadene Krueger, of Hamil-ton; her sisters, Denise Hughes and husband, James, of Hamil-ton and Deanna Melde and husband, Darrell, of Aleman; her grandparents, Hattie Krueger of Aleman, Bernard and Ida Marwitz of Indian Gap; three sisters-in-law and two brothers-in-law, Shearin Bogan Thompson and husband James of Hamilton; Melody Vernon and her close friend Roy Newsom, of Hamilton; Lanette Higgins of Ennis; and Wendel Bruce Gilmore and wife Juels of Haltom City; and Brian Gil-more and wife Iris of Burnett; four aunts, Coda Zschiesche, Rita Stegemoller, Patsy Melde, and Betty Haile; one uncle, Dane Marwitz; nine nieces, Jessica Hughes, Heather Bogan, Misty Lasater, Hope Bogan, Heaven Gilmore, Jenna Oglesby, Janna Oglesby, Heather Higgins, Lindsey Pet-rash and eleven nephews, Jer-emy Hughes, Dylan Melde, Dawson Melde, Sterling Pet-rash, Jace Oglesby, Chance Oglesby, Cody Vernon, Rance Eddleman, Nathan Gilmore, Mark Ellis, and Brant Thomas. “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 Riley Funeral Home
Denette Joyce Gilmore died Jan. 18, 2008 at Hamilton General Hospital. Funeral ser-vices were held Jan. 20 at St. John Lutheran Church. She was born on November 10, 1965, the daughter of Den-nis and Bernadene (Marwitz) Krueger of Hamilton. She was baptized by Pastor Leon Simon on Dec. 5, 1965. Her parents were faithful to take their daughters to Sunday school and church. When she entered junior high she began confirmation. Pastor Wuensche met with her class weekly and reaffirmed what God in Christ had accomplished for Denette. On April 1st, 1979, she stood before the altar at St. John and confessed her Christian faith. She was confirmed as a com-municant member of the church and she remained faithful throughout all the years of her life. When Mrs. Gilmore entered high school, she was a very popular and a very busy young lady. She was a Bulldog cheer-leader, president of the Key Club, Miss HHS, treasurer of the Senior Class, and she served on the student council. She was voted Most Intellectual for the years 1983 and 1984, and graduated Valedictorian of the class of 1984. Upon gradua-tion, she attended Angelo State University where she received the Carr Academic Scholarship. She later transferred to Tarleton State University in Stephen-ville. She was a member of the Alpha Chi Sorority, a National Scholastic Honor Society stu-dent and she graduated with honors. She had a brilliant mind and a deep appreciation for science. This moved her to seek a Bachelor of Science degree in biology and elementary educa-tion. She began dating Kevin Gilmore the year after she graduated from high school and continued while she was attend-ing Angelo State and Tarleton State University Mrs. Gilmore graduated from Tarleton in December of 1988 and was married to Kevin Gilmore on Jan. 28, 1989. They lived in Haltom City the first year of their marriage and she taught there her first year as a teacher. They moved back to Hamilton in 1990. Mrs. Gil-more taught in Copperas Cove for ten years before making the transition to Hamilton where she began teaching in 2000. She made a profound impact upon the school and the stu-dents she taught. Because she loved science, the school wit-nessed a transformation in the program. The students experi-enced her love and zeal for science and her devotion to them. Every student who is currently in the Hamilton ISD from sixth grade through the Senior class had Mrs. Gilmore as a teacher. The Gilmores had a daugh-ter, Devyn, on April 12, 1996. Because of her love of educa-tion, Denette continually stressed to Devyn the impor-tance of school and she empha-sized to her to always do her very best. Devyn was with her mother through these difficult days and she experienced her love and witnessed her faith and trust in her Savior. As a member of St. John Lu-theran Church, Mrs. Gilmore served and gave of her time in many different ways. Over the years she assisted with special events like the annual Christ-mas program and Vacation Bible School. She served as a Sunday school teacher and as a member of many boards, most recently the Board of Youth and the Preschool Board. The same devotion and dedication she brought to her teaching provided wisdom and guidance in her service in the church. Two years ago Mrs. Gilmore was diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer. Over the course of these past two years she faced many challenges: sur-gery, chemotherapy, and even experimental drugs, but in the end she had the courage to make the decision to trust in God and discontinue the treat-ments and enjoy each and every day with her husband, her daughter and the rest of her family. As time passed, Mrs. Gil-more was overwhelmed by the number of people who were present to help with any and every need. There was never a time that she had to be alone. Dozens of people took turns sitting with her and allowing her family to continue with the normal activities of life. As the days grew closer to the end, the Hamilton Hospital doctors and staff were very special bless-ings to Mrs. Gilmore and her family. They made it possible for her family and friends to spend time with her day and night. She was preceded in death by her grandfather, Joe Krueger. Survivors include her hus-band and her daughter of Ham-ilton; her parents, Dennis and Bernadene Krueger, of Hamil-ton; her sisters, Denise Hughes and husband, James, of Hamil-ton and Deanna Melde and husband, Darrell, of Aleman; her grandparents, Hattie Krueger of Aleman, Bernard and Ida Marwitz of Indian Gap; three sisters-in-law and two brothers-in-law, Shearin Bogan Thompson and husband James of Hamilton; Melody Vernon and her close friend Roy Newsom, of Hamilton; Lanette Higgins of Ennis; and Wendel Bruce Gilmore and wife Juels of Haltom City; and Brian Gil-more and wife Iris of Burnett; four aunts, Coda Zschiesche, Rita Stegemoller, Patsy Melde, and Betty Haile; one uncle, Dane Marwitz; nine nieces, Jessica Hughes, Heather Bogan, Misty Lasater, Hope Bogan, Heaven Gilmore, Jenna Oglesby, Janna Oglesby, Heather Higgins, Lindsey Pet-rash and eleven nephews, Jer-emy Hughes, Dylan Melde, Dawson Melde, Sterling Pet-rash, Jace Oglesby, Chance Oglesby, Cody Vernon, Rance Eddleman, Nathan Gilmore, Mark Ellis, and Brant Thomas. “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 Riley Funeral Home
Monday, January 7, 2008
WHEW! What a Weekend!
Friday Cade & Jenn went to the JP in Georgetown and got married. I left work early to visit my knee surgeon (visit went really well - stitches came out). And the rest of the afternoon I spent getting ready to have all his friends and a few of ours over for BBQ, etc. Of course I pulled out the chocolate fountain and bought a small wedding-like cake.
So, lots of calories... and to top it off Cade's mom came in 1+ hours late and I got all bent out of shape. Of course I think the real reason I was bent out of shape is because she looks so damn good. She's lost about 50 lbs. Says she's been on phentermine... I LOVE phentermine! I just want to lose 15.
Anyway, lots of calories, too many to count. Then we got up at 5 a.m. and drove to Shreveport to Jim Neil's memorial service. Not too many calories, but I did eat a whatachicken and a few fries for supper. I would have been fine if I had just had a salad.
However, on the way home... we were both so exhausted and afraid that Jimmy would fall asleep driving back... we stopped 101 miles out of Dallas for gas. I got out and Jimmy thought we should have a diet Coke. I suggested a Red Bull. Neither of us had ever had one before. I think it is the only reason we survived. So... I'm trying all the energy drinks now to see what I like, but... they're all 16 oz. I just want the 8 oz ones. They must be sugar free however.
Yesterday we took the kids to the Bob Bullock museum, then went to dinner. I also worked out some yesterday. I kind of struggled, but I did my knee rehab and 10 minutes on the elliptical plus abs. Then of course plenty of walking, stairs at the museum. Not too painful.
So here's the rundown today. I opened so no workout. Did my leg lifts for my knee rehab tonight. I tried to get Jimmy to play tennis but he said, no. :-( I'm not counting these points for workout.
BREAKFAST: usual cereal bar, banana, vitarain water + coffee [5 pts]
LUNCH: Progresso Soup (0), raw carrots (1), 4 slices deli turkey (2), 2 Wasa crackers (1), Laugh Cow Swiss cheese (1) [5 pts]
Sugar Free Rock Star drink (16 oz) 10 cals about 4:30 (later than I would like)
DINNER: Kashi Crunch (3), 1/2 c sk milk (1), 2 Wasa crackers (1), 2 TB humus (2), 14 Pringles lite (1) [8 POINTS]
TOTAL: 18 out of 22 [+4]
So, lots of calories... and to top it off Cade's mom came in 1+ hours late and I got all bent out of shape. Of course I think the real reason I was bent out of shape is because she looks so damn good. She's lost about 50 lbs. Says she's been on phentermine... I LOVE phentermine! I just want to lose 15.
Anyway, lots of calories, too many to count. Then we got up at 5 a.m. and drove to Shreveport to Jim Neil's memorial service. Not too many calories, but I did eat a whatachicken and a few fries for supper. I would have been fine if I had just had a salad.
However, on the way home... we were both so exhausted and afraid that Jimmy would fall asleep driving back... we stopped 101 miles out of Dallas for gas. I got out and Jimmy thought we should have a diet Coke. I suggested a Red Bull. Neither of us had ever had one before. I think it is the only reason we survived. So... I'm trying all the energy drinks now to see what I like, but... they're all 16 oz. I just want the 8 oz ones. They must be sugar free however.
Yesterday we took the kids to the Bob Bullock museum, then went to dinner. I also worked out some yesterday. I kind of struggled, but I did my knee rehab and 10 minutes on the elliptical plus abs. Then of course plenty of walking, stairs at the museum. Not too painful.
So here's the rundown today. I opened so no workout. Did my leg lifts for my knee rehab tonight. I tried to get Jimmy to play tennis but he said, no. :-( I'm not counting these points for workout.
BREAKFAST: usual cereal bar, banana, vitarain water + coffee [5 pts]
LUNCH: Progresso Soup (0), raw carrots (1), 4 slices deli turkey (2), 2 Wasa crackers (1), Laugh Cow Swiss cheese (1) [5 pts]
Sugar Free Rock Star drink (16 oz) 10 cals about 4:30 (later than I would like)
DINNER: Kashi Crunch (3), 1/2 c sk milk (1), 2 Wasa crackers (1), 2 TB humus (2), 14 Pringles lite (1) [8 POINTS]
TOTAL: 18 out of 22 [+4]
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Best Life 2008

So, a little more today about http://www.thebestlife.com/ and the philosophy. Bob's article encouraged me to build a pie chart of the most important aspects (pie pieces) of my life and rank each piece (see graphic). Everything with a "+" is good, "-" I need to work on. I also left a couple blank. So those have room for improvement but aren't necessarily BAD.
Here's my list in order of priority:
1. Marriage (+) TOP PRIORITY and BEST thing in my life.
2. Family
3. Health
4. Fitness/tennis (-) Just needs improvement because of my health/injury issues.
5. Food/diet (-) top negative priority
6. Career (+)
7. Finances (+)
8. Personal Growth (-) My NY resolution is to read and/or listen to audio books all the time.
Bob says, do one or two things a day to make the (-) a (+) and you won't recognize your life in a year. My life is pretty darn good at the moment. If I can stay healthy this year. Also my resolution ~ no surgery in '08! Woo hoo!
So, I'm obviously focused on my food/diet pie piece. And as soon as I'm cleared by the Dr. I'll get back to my workouts and tennis matches. Jimmy's new years resolution was to have more sex in '08 ... I had to ask, "with ME?" ;-) We've had ups and downs obviously with my health this year but I figure if I help him with his resolution, my Marriage pie piece will continue to stay strong. ;-)
Here's the food break down:
BREAKFAST: the usual in the car 5
plus coffee (3)
Here's my list in order of priority:
1. Marriage (+) TOP PRIORITY and BEST thing in my life.
2. Family
3. Health
4. Fitness/tennis (-) Just needs improvement because of my health/injury issues.
5. Food/diet (-) top negative priority
6. Career (+)
7. Finances (+)
8. Personal Growth (-) My NY resolution is to read and/or listen to audio books all the time.
Bob says, do one or two things a day to make the (-) a (+) and you won't recognize your life in a year. My life is pretty darn good at the moment. If I can stay healthy this year. Also my resolution ~ no surgery in '08! Woo hoo!
So, I'm obviously focused on my food/diet pie piece. And as soon as I'm cleared by the Dr. I'll get back to my workouts and tennis matches. Jimmy's new years resolution was to have more sex in '08 ... I had to ask, "with ME?" ;-) We've had ups and downs obviously with my health this year but I figure if I help him with his resolution, my Marriage pie piece will continue to stay strong. ;-)
Here's the food break down:
BREAKFAST: the usual in the car 5
plus coffee (3)
Progresso soup (0)
1 Wassa crackers 0
4 slices deli turkey 2
8 raw baby carrots 1
Laugh cow cheese 1
2 c Kashi Vive cereal 4
2 pieces of wheat toast 2
1 sm apple sauce 1
2 T margarine
Total: 21 (out of 22)
Objective for today: eat sensibly according to Bob (and Oprah) cereal for supper... lots of water... and maybe some ab work after I get home. No more food after 7:00, bed by 9:00.
Good day so far! LYLY!
Objective for today: eat sensibly according to Bob (and Oprah) cereal for supper... lots of water... and maybe some ab work after I get home. No more food after 7:00, bed by 9:00.
Good day so far! LYLY!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Oprah & Bob Green Inspiration
okay... if I would stop researching and just DO ~ Action is power you know~ I might lose a couple of pounds this week. Oh well. When I'm in the mood to work this hard at eating healthy it helps to be obsessed and read and research my options.
I got on www.thebestlife.com by Bob Green and part of the Oprah Winfrey show's best life challenge on her web site. Here's what the first article said. Reorganize my eating patterns and move more. I also used his web site to rate my activity level (1 - 5 levels) one being totally sedentary. I decided that I'm a 3-4 (4 on the weeks I play tennis 2-3 times a week). The goal should be for anyone 1-2 to work to make it to the "next" level. If a 3 or more, work to be consistent and uphold that activity level each week. Well, this I decided this was an affirmation of how I feel about my current activity level. I feel like I am doing all I can towards being active as far as time goes. So, this whole concept just validated this whole Bob Greene philosophy for me.
My problem is food. Plain and simple. So, here's the deal about food. I must log to lose. Time, emotion, how I physically feel, etc. which I'll do in my little notebook. I'll just keep the highlights of my journal here.
Several simple objectives to reach 5 days a week if at all possible. * Marks the things I already do.
1. *Eat a "Best Life" breakfast (approx 400 calories, fruit, protein, high fiber)
2. *Activity
3. Eat 3 meals a day and a snack or 2 (regular times... don't skip and don't get too hungry)
4. Stop eating 2 hours before bed time
5. *Drink 6, 8-oz glasses of water each day
6. Eliminate alcohol for now
7. Tale a multi vitamin
8. Evaluate my relationship with food ~ that's where the journal comes in
Here's the food log today. I'm not sure I'm going to count points. Tonight the kids (Cade & Jenn) were here so I cooked supper. I ate light all the rest of the day.
Breakfast (the usual) - SB cereal bar, banana, vitamin water, coffee 9
Lunch (I got involved in a project at work, didn't eat until about 2:00) I felt rushed and journaled while I ate.
Progresso lite veg soup (0 WW points) I'll give it 1 I poured off most of the liquid and ate the whole can.
2 Wasa crackers w/Laugh Cow lite swiss cheese 1
8-9 raw carrots 1
Lunch was very satisfying, the cheese provided some protein, high fiber, vegetable.. not bad!
Supper I ate a little whole grain spaghetti w/meat sauce, 2 small pieces of French bread (Pillsbury) w/2 TBs margarine, Jimmy and I split a salad.. lots of good stuff... but plenty of Ranch dressing too.
Total WW points BR/LU = 12
I probably had more than 10 points at supper.. but not a lot more. Finished eating at 7:30. Going to bed between 9:30 & 10. So, 6 out of 8 of my objectives. I still can't work out. Stitches in my knee. But.. overall... pretty good for the day.
More later! LY!LY!
I got on www.thebestlife.com by Bob Green and part of the Oprah Winfrey show's best life challenge on her web site. Here's what the first article said. Reorganize my eating patterns and move more. I also used his web site to rate my activity level (1 - 5 levels) one being totally sedentary. I decided that I'm a 3-4 (4 on the weeks I play tennis 2-3 times a week). The goal should be for anyone 1-2 to work to make it to the "next" level. If a 3 or more, work to be consistent and uphold that activity level each week. Well, this I decided this was an affirmation of how I feel about my current activity level. I feel like I am doing all I can towards being active as far as time goes. So, this whole concept just validated this whole Bob Greene philosophy for me.
My problem is food. Plain and simple. So, here's the deal about food. I must log to lose. Time, emotion, how I physically feel, etc. which I'll do in my little notebook. I'll just keep the highlights of my journal here.
Several simple objectives to reach 5 days a week if at all possible. * Marks the things I already do.
1. *Eat a "Best Life" breakfast (approx 400 calories, fruit, protein, high fiber)
2. *Activity
3. Eat 3 meals a day and a snack or 2 (regular times... don't skip and don't get too hungry)
4. Stop eating 2 hours before bed time
5. *Drink 6, 8-oz glasses of water each day
6. Eliminate alcohol for now
7. Tale a multi vitamin
8. Evaluate my relationship with food ~ that's where the journal comes in
Here's the food log today. I'm not sure I'm going to count points. Tonight the kids (Cade & Jenn) were here so I cooked supper. I ate light all the rest of the day.
Breakfast (the usual) - SB cereal bar, banana, vitamin water, coffee 9
Lunch (I got involved in a project at work, didn't eat until about 2:00) I felt rushed and journaled while I ate.
Progresso lite veg soup (0 WW points) I'll give it 1 I poured off most of the liquid and ate the whole can.
2 Wasa crackers w/Laugh Cow lite swiss cheese 1
8-9 raw carrots 1
Lunch was very satisfying, the cheese provided some protein, high fiber, vegetable.. not bad!
Supper I ate a little whole grain spaghetti w/meat sauce, 2 small pieces of French bread (Pillsbury) w/2 TBs margarine, Jimmy and I split a salad.. lots of good stuff... but plenty of Ranch dressing too.
Total WW points BR/LU = 12
I probably had more than 10 points at supper.. but not a lot more. Finished eating at 7:30. Going to bed between 9:30 & 10. So, 6 out of 8 of my objectives. I still can't work out. Stitches in my knee. But.. overall... pretty good for the day.
More later! LY!LY!
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